Richard the III am I
I died at the battle of Bosworth field.
I fought brave and heroic until the end,
My enemy would not yield.
This was to be the crucial battle
against Henry the VII
Henry had very little experience in battle, or as a leader
which could have lead him striaght to heaven.
There are gaps in both of our lines
There are many shouts and cries
so no gaps are exploited
as our soldires die.
I rally our soldiers behind my banner
I surround myself with my most loyal knights
I ralley with a booming speech
They are now ready for the fight.
Henry the VII rides away from his main body
I ralley my troops and say,
There is their leader, ride out men
Carpe Dium, sieze the day
I rode out with about 800 of my knights
Straight out towards their king
His men fought to protect him
They formed up in a ring.
I personally leaded the charge
I myself personally had one of Henry's top men killed
I fought until the end
And then my horse from under me was killed.
On the field I came,
across an advisor of my late brother
I knocked his horse from under him
But he lived because Henry's men defended each other
There was no doubt I fought possessed
Most of my soldiers offered me a horse to flee
I turned them down, and stayed to fight
Until i was struck down so brutally.
Nice work on your poems. One thing: both traditionalists and revisionists are able to use primary sources. It's a matter of interpretation.